If you would like to catch up on my recent adventures in Turkiye, we have the following:
To catch everyone up to speed, I traveled to 🇹🇷 with a spiritual community I love in Seattle called The Center for Spiritual Living, lead by a woman I love: Rev. Kathianne Lewis, DDS.
✨I am now onto Day 6: Where we went to Hierapolis which means "Sacred City" believed to be founded by the Sun God Apollo 🌞
✨It ALSO has sacred hot springs whose vapours are associated with the God of the Underworld, Pluto/Hades 🌚

It was absolutely AMAZING to enter into an ancient place and honor both aspects of Life.
We started by entering the Temple of Apollo, the Sun God and I was greeted by this guy:

I could write a WHOLE BLOG on the Cats in Turkiye. I pretty much wanted to adopt every single one in the whole country (and the ironic part is Leo Lion Zephr Vandenburg walked into my life shortly after my return to Seattle... more on that in a future blog).
Little Maria's original childhood dream was to be a world famous actress, so to step into this ancient amphitheatre that honoroed the sun was a bit surreal (I am also a Leo)

This was what it looked like on arrival, my mind was a bit blown as I felt like I was transported back in time

Cathy and I taking a selfie, Cathy is a soul sister and dear friend of mine who I someday hope to explore Greece with (in addition to more adventures in Seattle)

Moi, I couldn't resist honoring the Seahawks while feeling like I was in Ancient Rome.

This was one of the things I loved MOST about Hieropolis, how I was able to honor the Sun AND the UnderWorld all in one place. After visiting the Temple of Apollo we made our way down to a space that honored Pluto and the UnderWorld (the original photo at the top of this blog is this area)

And the trip ended with visiting ancient statues

I also REALLY loved seeing a statue to Horus, I pointed it out to Kathianne (who calls Egypt her spiritual home and who I traveled to Egypt with for the first time - this life time- in 2019) .

Finally, I will mention the poppies, they were everywhere and so incredibly beautiful

They reminded me to stop and smell the roses... literally

I loved Hierapolis.. it was a great opening experience to remind me of Ancient Times.
If you would like to read about my original 10 days there in 2006, check out my old travel blog here: https://mariavandenburg.wordpress.com/
You can purchase my first book: Crown Jewels: The Akasha Records (Book One) here:
You can out more about the The Akasha Records Journey (aka course/embodiment experiment here)
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