The morning began with my very first Hot Air Balloon over the place where I would spend my afternoon in healing waters:
Salt Lakes of Pamukkale

We arrived and made our way up to the top. THE MINUTE we got there, my body was practically begging to dive in... so I listened and obeyed 😂😇

It was slippery!! You had to be VERY CAREFUL where you stepped. Moss was a no go. What was super amusing to me was the "angels" (i.e. shirtless dudes walking around in white and black angel wings) offering to take selfies with people🤔
As in you could get your photo snapped with Turkiye's equivelant of a male Victoria's Secret Model.... for a "small fee" 🤣
I somehow opted out, but I did find it to be entertaining ❤️

As I was legitimately worried about spraining my ancle (I witnessed about 10 different people almost do so during my 30 min in the water😐). I did not last long. BUT, I loved the entire experience

My only regret? More time! It would have been amazing to have had the opportunity to submerge myself in them. BUT, it was a fabulous first visit❤️
If you would like to read about my original 10 days there in 2006, check out my old travel blog here:
You can purchase my first book: Crown Jewels: The Akasha Records (Book One) here:
You can out more about the The Akasha Records Journey (aka course/embodiment experiment her